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Maternity Leave Question

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2016-08-29




I am looking at:

Vacation or leave time provided by the employer or leave
taken for a condition that is a qualifying reason for leave
under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29, U.S.C.
2612(a)(1) and (3) is equivalent to hours worked in qualifying

My employer offers a 6 month maternity leave.  During that time, I will use some employer paid maternity leave, some vacation time, and some sick time.  It makes sense that all of that leave should be covered as hours worked in qualifying employment.  However, the remaining few months will be unpaid. I know a 6 month maternity leave is long.  For the portion that is unpaid and extends beyond FMLA, would my payments still count?

Thank you!