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August 8, 2012

New Federal Data on College Costs is Released

The Department of Education published a new report yesterday on student financial aid, including the average price of attendance at the Nation's public & private colleges and universities.  

[Drum roll please....]

Private colleges and universities are more expensive than their public counterparts... GASP!  Actually everyone pretty much already knew that, but the numbers are still sobering for student loan borrowers.

Want to go to a four-year college or university with your state's name in its title?  That will most likely be a public college or university and for the 2010-11 academic year, it would have cost you roughly $17,600 per year (before aid) with a net price of approximately $11,000 per year.

Prefer the charm (and relative distance from your parents) of a swanky private four-year school?  For the 2010-11 academic year, that would have cost you roughly $34,000 per year (before aid) with a net price of about $19,800 per year.

Want to attend a non-traditional (for-profit) four-year college or university?  That education would have cost you roughly $27,900 per year (before aid) with a net price of about $22,500 per year AND yielded a potentially uncertain future in terms of graduation prospects and marketability of your degree.

Education is power, so be sure to do your homework before taking on student debt... 'Know before you Owe!" 

By James | Category:   
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